John F Doyle’s Adventure Blog

October 9, 2009

Solo Trail Running

Filed under: interests — johnfrederickdoyle @ 2:10 am
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Just ran over the top and end to end of Rattlesnake Mt.

Here is a link to Google maps with a nifty overlay:  click!

I started on the west end, climbed 2732 feet, then descended 2909 feet to Rattlesnake lake on the east side. The trail signs said 10.5 miles, but my iPhone GPS Motion X app said 9.61 miles. I thought my time was a little slow, soooo maybe there is an accuracy issue with the altitude change.

It was great to run solo. Nobody to wait for and nobody had to wait for me!  At my wife’s urging, I carried an “industrial strength” pepper spray in case I ran into a hungry bear or cougar, though I probably would have just sprayed my own eyes to avoid watching the inevitable!

The best part was meeting my wife and her friend at the Rattlesnake ledge and drinking a steaming hot coffee before running the last two miles to the lake – what a treat!!

More trail running to come!

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